I am trying to get the HTML code for a few photos and everything goes well up until I attempt to actually use the code. When I do that all the photos are VERY large. For example this code is supposed to be for 100Px small thumbnails. Take it to an HTML practice board and look at it.
When copying the code just make sure you’ve wait for a second or two until the code changes, before you click Copy. Sometimes, the browser is slow to reflect the changes; if you click Copy before the code is changed, you’ll get a wrong code.
Still not working. This code should be for 400px large thumbnails.
Take a look at it.
If we can get this sizing matter straightened out I will be more than happy to sigh up for a paid account and start importing photo’s to your site.
I like the features here but they have to consistently work for me.
I have a website, I am always selling stuff at auction and I need a dependable photo host that’s also reliable.
In other words I WANT to pay you money to host my photo’s if we can get these sizes working correctly for me.
This code outta be the smallest thumbnail you make available. 100 Px.
They are still coming up huge-
Please try again. It works now.
Note. If you want 400px thumbnail you need to select it, i.e. select any other size and than re-select 400px. It’s a bug that will be fixed on Monday. Thanks.
Yes it does work now. Thank you.
And now I am going to tell you something.
I am going to sigh up for your 24.95 “plus” membership because you took the time to answer me here AND you fixed the issue and are also are going to fix “the bug” on Monday.
I am more than happy to pay for the use of a quality site that pays attention to their users.
Not only that I am also going to tell ALL the other folks I know that use other photo hosts how well you handled this issue.
I have been a paid member of a different photo hosting site for 8 years and the reason I even decided to check out your site was because they dropped the ball.
Thank you and keep up the good work and I will keep sending folks your way.
Pete Mang/Lotsoffish
Dear Pete. Thanks for the worm words. The problem with the 400px size has been fixed. Thanks again.
That’s great.
I like this new" HTML Code Generator With Preview" too.
I have sighed up for a year at the 24.95 plan. I think you could most likely get more than that. At least 29.95 maybe even more. Photobucket has recently raised their rates while at the same time alienating all their users.
You have BETTER features and a better all around photo hosting site than they do, all you need to do now is attract folks to your site to give it a whirl. I will send as many folks as I can over to your site.
Ever think about trying to get EBay users here by actually auctioning off some memberships ON EBAY? Seems like a no-brainer to me.
I think you outta consider it. A lot of those folks are Photobucket users and NONE OF them are very happy right now.
Keep up the good work.
Thanks Lotosoffish for your help, the kind words and for the eBay idea